Thursday, October 14, 2010

Classical Rome & China,

are what I just finished writing an essay re-write about. awesome, right? ( :

Anyhow, I have so much to do this weekend, it's not even funny! Saturday I'm basically busy all day, seven hours of which I'm babysitting. & on Sunday I'm running the slide show at church for the first time ever, & I'm kind of nervous about that, because I hate it when slides are wrong, so I REALLY don't want to mess it up.

But with such a busy weekend, it means that on Saturday I have to be by the lake at 8:15, & on Sunday I have to be at the recreation center (where we meet for church) at 9. Looks like there will be no sleeping in for me! Bummer.

Anyhow, it's been getting colder here recently, which really excites me! I took the PSAT on Wednesday, & am pretty anxious to get my scores back [IN DECEMBER! I mean, come on!! It's all by a document, does it really take THAT long to complete?! Well, I guess with every sophomore in the country taking it, it does.] But I think I did alright. Although I'm pretty sure I'll be taking it again next year, just for precaution.

Oh my goodness it's almost midnight?! Yikes, I guess I'll close off with saying that j* posted the pictures from Katelyn & Michael's wedding on Sunday on her blog today!! I'm pretty sure I'm going to be looking through that slideshow very often ( :

Oh, & you should totally listen to this amazing song that I'm in L.O.V.E. with!!

xo, rachel!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


was 10/10/10.
today, Katelyn James & Michael Alsop got MARRIED!! I've only been following Katelyn's blog for a few months, but I LOVE it. & her & her *now* husband! I cannot wait to see J*'s picture from the wedding! I've seriously spent all day (& some of yesterday ( : ) just looking up so much stuff about this couple. They really are such an inspiring couple, not only in how adorable they are (they known each other all their lives, & they started dating when she was a freshman in high school! Fast forward eight years & they're getting married!) but they are also sooo inspiring spiritually!

Anyway, recently I've just been struggling. Not like hardcore, but I just don't know how my life is going to turn out, & it really frustrates me. If I'm being totally honest, I'm kind of jealous, yeah, jealous, of Katelyn & Michael & the life they've had together. I just really wish I could marry a high school sweetheart, or a life time family friend, but that's not my story, that's theirs, & for some reason it just really frustrates me.

ANYWAY, I'm almost done scanning all those darn pictures. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get them done tomorrow.

But for tonight, I'm going to go fold some laundry (oh goodie) while watching a movie, & then probably go straight to sleep.

xo, rachel.

p.s. today I became more active on Twitter! you can follow me here!
p.p.s. yesterday at Target I got a bag of 105 AirHeads for $6! & the Phoenix CD, "Wolfgang Amadeus" I love it ( :

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I dislike,

school assignments that are due on Friday. Because, who really wants to spend all of Thursday night working on a lab report that their partner won't help on & is due the next day? Not me! Especially with this being a three day weekend & all, I just can't wait!!

Saturday I'm going to spend all day finishing scanning pictures, then I'm going to a friend's 18th birthday bash. Sunday will probably be the normal church, & then hanging out at home (& of course stalking Katelyn James' wedding!!). Then Monday I plan on sleeping in late, catching up on some DVR stuff, watching a movie or two, & working on a Sims mountain house that I love. ( :

Anyhow, I better get back to my lab report, I'm about halfway done, & I also need to somehow squeeze in reading the first three chapters of Lord of the Flies by William Golding before 9:45 tomorrow morning. Awesome.

the school despiser.

p.s. I'm really enjoying following along Aura Joon on her pregnancy journey! I love seeing that she has a new post!!
p.p.s. today I officially ordered my tickets for the Rocket Summer & He Is We concert in November!!! I'm SO STOKED!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

late night movie watching,

makes me happy.

tonight, I finished watching Dear John (the book was better),
watched If You Really Knew Me,
& am currently finishing White Oleander, a movie I love.

While romantic comedies are funny & I enjoy them, there is something about movies where people struggle (like Where the Heart Is) that I love more than other movies.

Last weekend we got my sister & her roommate's dog because they couldn't keep up with him anymore, & I looooooooove him. They were going to have to take him back where they got him from & they would kill him, & my dad just couldn't let that happen to him when we were capable of taking him in. So now I have a doggie a couple feet from me, yay!
On Sunday night we chewed a hole in the crotch of a pair of underwear & knocked down the recycling. Monday night he slept outside my door. Every night since he's slept next to my bed.
My little sister & I walk him around the block daily. Monday we walked for two miles on a trail by the lake, as a family. Tomorrow we plan on going to a park, & I can't wait.

Mr. Bojangles is the sweetest dog ever. He's charged the cats a couple of times, but it's getting better. I looooooooooove my dog ( :

(he's kind of fat, but I love him anyway.)

p.s. he has a lobster costume & Cowboys shirt. ( :
p.p.s. my sketchbook for the 2011 Sketchbook Project came yesterday!!! I chose the theme "Jackets, Blankets, and Sheets" I can't wait to start on it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm beginning,

to wonder if I'll ever finish this "blog challenge." I try to remind myself that it's not a big deal, because it's not like anyone really reads this, but still.

Anyhow, on Monday the only band that I really like announced a show in Dallas, so I'm pretty excited about that. I'm seriously checking the venue site for ticket updates daily so that I can make sure I get my tickets, & my sister is going to go with me, so I'm pretty excited to say the least.

I've also been noticing that my list of things to buy has been increasing recently, which is kind of bumming me out. Elsie posted a new e-course today, & so I kind of want to do that, but I'm not sure.

School & house chores have been keeping me pretty busy, & I'm actually considering joining the bowling team at school. I have a friend that was telling me about how she's now on it today, & I've always kind of wanted to, just for fun, & so now that she's on there I think I'll ask my parents about it.

Anyhow, I've laundry to do, & I'm hoping to squeeze in some Sims 2 before youth (I haven't played in nearly two months!)

xo, r.

p.s. today is the first day of fall! enjoy some pretty fall pictures found on Elsie's blog.